another late bloomer.

and by that i don't mean things didn't get going till late. rather, things started so early i was already sucker-gone hours before it could even be considered remotely late. it is 3: 06 am and i am just arriving home from some sort of epic adventure. i think it's called summer. or early spring.
it started at 1 pm. i met a friend for pho. and by pho i mean bun. and by bun i mean a big bowl of vermicelli topped with pork and spring rolls and all manner of herbs and good stuff. a saturday must. ladies who lunch lunched, and caught up. then, some shopping of the vintage variety. which is basically lots of sifting, hemming, hawing, and then a few quick moments of uncomfortable change room fumbling, when you try to squeeze into various polyester creations, determined to find something (anything!) that looks remotely 'just so'. funny to think how old clothes were someone else's before you, so it's almost doubly hard to claim the styles for your own, as you mark your territory with primps & mirror poses.
then we ran into some friends - well, technically new friends - people i knew through other people through through through, etc & so forth. so we decided on beers at ronnies. set up camp on the patio. three hours later, we were happy, slappy, clappy and sappy. or rather, we were hilarious-ish. comebacks and quips were flying faster and furiouser than any vin diesel flick.
but yes, pints upon pints. and sunshine.
some discussion of a potluck that some of the new friends were attending ended up in a decision to go to said potluck, even though we knew none of the hosts. and so, a few hours later, we showed up on crawford, mango/papaya salsa & six pack of kronenburg in hand, and made more new friends in a back garden strewn with petals from a flowering tree above. later, one made crepes for everyone, and as we sat in some random kitchen, my eye fell upon the name on the subscription label of the new yorker, and wouldn't you know it, it was a name i knew very well. yes, this city is so tiny that you end up in a stranger's apartment that turns out to not be a stranger's at all.
this was simultaneously really, really cool and really, really claustrophobic. lately the social network of this city keeps getting smaller and smaller and tighter and tighter - the frequency of connection and one degree of separation and "oh i remember you from so and so, such and such" is getting out of hand. it really must be time to go.
we eventually ended up meandering over to ted's - odd to hit an oldskool spot with newfound friends. i recalled that on a hazy january night, years ago, i once i fell down the stairs there, and subsequently fell in love. were the two falling actions linked forever? is that why my left side still aches? after all, it's where the arm is and the side the heart's on.
it was a night. and it's been a weekend. and next week, 29. the future's so bright, i've got to wear shades. good thing i just bought new ones.