truancy unmatched.
october slipped into november, and now november is dangerously close to slipping into december.
oh wait, it just did.
cue jingling jangling jingle bells.
not sure why i haven't felt the need to yimmer - things have been extremely worthy of neurotic introspection. which is maybe why i've been absent - when things get crazy, you are less like to sit around writing about how crazy they are. perhaps crazy is the wrong word. more like, bizarre.
but maybe things are always somewhere in the vicinity of bizarre.
and now, 2010. about to begin.
there are a lot of things i want out of this year. resolutions and/or revelations to follow. for now, content. a bit weary, sure, but when, in life, are you not? i think the last few months of this decade have proven what i already knew about this decade: it was a certified wtf-er. and i know, acronyms are the least classy way of analyzing time. but truly, so much has happened, and so much of that which has happened happens to confuse me still.
adulthood is a trip.
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