it's too late.

another ambiguous phrase that i can apply liberally to my life, like sunscreen, when you pump too much out onto your hands, and have to rub it into every nook & cranny, even if the sun will never shine on the crevices you adorn.
or something.
frankly, my over-articulation is getting a bit tired, only to me- or rather, maybe to everyone, and also me.
point is, i am feeling some sort of low, and i don't mean low in a depressing way. more like a "let's get this thing off the ground" way. i am tired of sitting around and thinking about what will be. and i am even sicker of my own self-righteous yimmering about what comes after that. frig, i just need to do, don't i.

another ambiguous phrase that i can apply liberally to my life, like sunscreen, when you pump too much out onto your hands, and have to rub it into every nook & cranny, even if the sun will never shine on the crevices you adorn.
or something.
frankly, my over-articulation is getting a bit tired, only to me- or rather, maybe to everyone, and also me.
point is, i am feeling some sort of low, and i don't mean low in a depressing way. more like a "let's get this thing off the ground" way. i am tired of sitting around and thinking about what will be. and i am even sicker of my own self-righteous yimmering about what comes after that. frig, i just need to do, don't i.
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