
and here i am. a week later, a week older. no, a year older. but a week further into something new.
it has been a fairly intense week. fitting for the changing of the decades. not that i have ever been one for gigantic birthday celebrations, but somehow this one ended up being a two-day affair. an affair to remember, and then forget, and then remember in bits and pieces.
friday was the new york birthday. it started at zum schneider, a bustling beer hall on avenue c. we toasted impossibly tall glasses of beer, and moved on into the night. a night that stopped at a few more watering holes, a friend's impromptu house party, and finally, a karaoke place, where i squawked an earnest rendition of journeys 'don't stop believing'. and i didn't stop believing, until the next day, when i believed for a few brutal moments that i wouldn't make my 4 pm flight to toronto.
yes, i made the ill-advised (but ultimately well-advised) decision to head back to toronto for a sunday wedding. and somehow, i managed to get to newark. to stumble onto my plane. to look out the window at the clouds in the magnificent skies and contemplate all the gloriously embarrassing cliches that you're allowed to contemplate on your 30th birthday, alone in the sky.
and i made it. and then i made it out again, for a lovely dinner with my oldest friends, and then onto the crooked star, and red light, where my other old friends were gathered to celebrate me being old, too.
sunday, i watched two new-but-old friends get married in a gorgeous ceremony in the courtyard of my university. and then danced and danced until my feet hurt and reminded me that i was 30, not 19. though, truth be told, any dancing in heels at any age would leave you limping. a delightful evening, indeed.
and then. nieces. and love. and family. and love.
and then back to new york. and so happy to be back. tonight we established some sort of club. a neighbors sort of gathering.
a i should know what i'm talking-about-but-i-am-a-bit-tired-ing.
i can't articulate now, what i wanted to, a few hours ago, but here's to spontaneity.
and life, really.

and here i am. a week later, a week older. no, a year older. but a week further into something new.
it has been a fairly intense week. fitting for the changing of the decades. not that i have ever been one for gigantic birthday celebrations, but somehow this one ended up being a two-day affair. an affair to remember, and then forget, and then remember in bits and pieces.
friday was the new york birthday. it started at zum schneider, a bustling beer hall on avenue c. we toasted impossibly tall glasses of beer, and moved on into the night. a night that stopped at a few more watering holes, a friend's impromptu house party, and finally, a karaoke place, where i squawked an earnest rendition of journeys 'don't stop believing'. and i didn't stop believing, until the next day, when i believed for a few brutal moments that i wouldn't make my 4 pm flight to toronto.
yes, i made the ill-advised (but ultimately well-advised) decision to head back to toronto for a sunday wedding. and somehow, i managed to get to newark. to stumble onto my plane. to look out the window at the clouds in the magnificent skies and contemplate all the gloriously embarrassing cliches that you're allowed to contemplate on your 30th birthday, alone in the sky.
and i made it. and then i made it out again, for a lovely dinner with my oldest friends, and then onto the crooked star, and red light, where my other old friends were gathered to celebrate me being old, too.
sunday, i watched two new-but-old friends get married in a gorgeous ceremony in the courtyard of my university. and then danced and danced until my feet hurt and reminded me that i was 30, not 19. though, truth be told, any dancing in heels at any age would leave you limping. a delightful evening, indeed.
and then. nieces. and love. and family. and love.
and then back to new york. and so happy to be back. tonight we established some sort of club. a neighbors sort of gathering.
a i should know what i'm talking-about-but-i-am-a-bit-tired-ing.
i can't articulate now, what i wanted to, a few hours ago, but here's to spontaneity.
and life, really.