oh dear.
how derelict of me to leave this puppy hanging for the past, what, six months? terrible. i wish i had some sort of grand excuse, but honestly, i just fell off the map. and by map i mean blogging. it's funny, really - writing is such self-indulgent pitter patter, you'd think i'd be doing it twice daily. something happens though, a switch off/on on/off. the writing either pours out or trickle trickles. of late, it's been a broken tap.
but i do realize that it's time to get back on keyboard thumping - mostly because it's a new year, and new years bring new senses of determinations. so here i am, fingers poised and ready to flow.
the last time i wrote i was in europa moda. and now, months later i am in a different frame of mind. still loving the idea of a cross-ocean hop, but thinking that it will be my second move. moving you say? (or think, rather - chances are you aren't speaking to your screen). yes, yes. moving.
i spent the last three weeks working in new york. and i fell so hard for it, i get butterflies at the thought. yes, i am that silly. but to be honest, i am proud of my hopeless city romanticism. how could you not adore that city? every inch is intoxicating.
and so i have decided that eventually it will be my home. and so my relationship with toronto will finally come to a close. it's been a ten year run of happy complacency. i was much younger when we met. an eighteen year old with a weakness for polyester and a strong desire to embrace toronto as the best. home. ever.
and it has been great.
but now but now but now.
time for fire escapes climbing towards the sky. time for cobblestones spilling across my view.
time for cornball rhapsodizing.
and above all, time for changes.