good gracious me.

i seem to be drifting off into space cadetism, or something like it. days, weeks pass and i don't even pick up a pen. i mean, plunk down on the keyboard. for personal reasons anyway.
no, i just type type type the copy copy copy. and it's funny, the more you type meaningless jibber jabber, the less you are able to formulate thoughts that don't have that practiced smoothed over feel to them.
meaning, i copywrite everything these days. emails. letters. conversations.
if only i could apply the organized style to my life, i'd be in good shape. you know, throw a few clever words at all my problems, and watch them disappear in a cloud of comments like, "wow, that really IS insightful"
or maybe come up with three different concepts for every scenario or decision faced. and then the client, or rather, some higher being in my brain, could tell me which of the three was the best, and then i'd run off and do what i had been told.
because honestly, this sucks.

i seem to be drifting off into space cadetism, or something like it. days, weeks pass and i don't even pick up a pen. i mean, plunk down on the keyboard. for personal reasons anyway.
no, i just type type type the copy copy copy. and it's funny, the more you type meaningless jibber jabber, the less you are able to formulate thoughts that don't have that practiced smoothed over feel to them.
meaning, i copywrite everything these days. emails. letters. conversations.
if only i could apply the organized style to my life, i'd be in good shape. you know, throw a few clever words at all my problems, and watch them disappear in a cloud of comments like, "wow, that really IS insightful"
or maybe come up with three different concepts for every scenario or decision faced. and then the client, or rather, some higher being in my brain, could tell me which of the three was the best, and then i'd run off and do what i had been told.
because honestly, this sucks.