snow snow everywhere.

falling down in drifts of what looks like powdered sugar, but probably tastes half as sweet, that is, if it has any taste at all. often snow just tastes like watered down watery what. like ice cubes, melted, leaving the stale taste of freezer burn on your tongue.
it's that time of year when you slip and slide down sidewalks, anxious to get where you're going, but equally anxious not to break your neck doing so. and so you stumble along cautiously, maneuvering clumsy feet in an awkward winter boot ballet - leaping over slushy ice puddles and pirouetting past scraping shovels, sinking to a final curtsy in a chilly streetcar seat.
winter brings flurries. of snow and activity. whirlwinds of parties and functions and dysfunction. it all leaves me rather breathless, and i don't know that it's because of the excitement. things are strange these days. stranger, maybe, then they've ever been. there's a flutter in my chest, like a trapped moth, beating its wings against my ribcage, jackhammering me into a state of happy terror.
i guess sometimes you realize the inevitablity of life. and once that happens, well then, you're screwed, aren't you. and maybe by screwed i mean enlightened. it's hard to say, really. figuring things out, even just a little bit, can leave you with a sense of longing for the ignorance you had before. if i'm this contemplative in the not knowing, what sort of mental epiphany will i achieve when i really know? i'll probably find myself halfway between insane and insanely relieved.
just another december day.

falling down in drifts of what looks like powdered sugar, but probably tastes half as sweet, that is, if it has any taste at all. often snow just tastes like watered down watery what. like ice cubes, melted, leaving the stale taste of freezer burn on your tongue.
it's that time of year when you slip and slide down sidewalks, anxious to get where you're going, but equally anxious not to break your neck doing so. and so you stumble along cautiously, maneuvering clumsy feet in an awkward winter boot ballet - leaping over slushy ice puddles and pirouetting past scraping shovels, sinking to a final curtsy in a chilly streetcar seat.
winter brings flurries. of snow and activity. whirlwinds of parties and functions and dysfunction. it all leaves me rather breathless, and i don't know that it's because of the excitement. things are strange these days. stranger, maybe, then they've ever been. there's a flutter in my chest, like a trapped moth, beating its wings against my ribcage, jackhammering me into a state of happy terror.
i guess sometimes you realize the inevitablity of life. and once that happens, well then, you're screwed, aren't you. and maybe by screwed i mean enlightened. it's hard to say, really. figuring things out, even just a little bit, can leave you with a sense of longing for the ignorance you had before. if i'm this contemplative in the not knowing, what sort of mental epiphany will i achieve when i really know? i'll probably find myself halfway between insane and insanely relieved.
just another december day.
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