hot times summer in the city.

and i'm loving every moment of it. there's a heatwave on and i'm right there waving back at it. hell, i'll even invite it up to my apartment for a beer. when the temperature rises to 30 and beyond, my eyes glaze over in content submission, my jaw slacks into a gap toothed grin, and well, i turn into more of a goof than i normally am, which is a frightening thought, really. but i adore this time of year. and this time in particular is in need of adoration. after all, i get the feeling that there won't be many more summers like this. or rather, that next summer will offer a different sort of adventure than this one is serving up.
and oh, the adventures this summer have been many. and as random as they have been plenty. which is a good thing. who wants order in life anyway? much better to greet each new day with willing enthusiasm, ready to have the conversations, meet the people, do the things, be the person you never expected to when you woke up, right? order be damned! ok, so i'm sure there's room for it somewhere. but on occasion, you have to give into the fact that you don't always know what's best for your own narrative. some larger force guides the novel along, and i accept the novelty of that.
how else can i explain the series of events that have left me bemused/amused/confused? my carefully laid out chapters just got all screwed up - like someone carefully removed the manuscript from my nightstand while i slept, took it outside, and joyfully scattered its sheets in the town square, the fountain and the river beyond it. and when i awoke, it was there, sure, but the tone was slightly changed, and there were new footnotes, new characters and plot developments. which can only lead me to believe that the ending might not be what i think it is. or, possibly that it will take a few more chapters to get where i always thought i'd be going.
talk about a page turner.

and i'm loving every moment of it. there's a heatwave on and i'm right there waving back at it. hell, i'll even invite it up to my apartment for a beer. when the temperature rises to 30 and beyond, my eyes glaze over in content submission, my jaw slacks into a gap toothed grin, and well, i turn into more of a goof than i normally am, which is a frightening thought, really. but i adore this time of year. and this time in particular is in need of adoration. after all, i get the feeling that there won't be many more summers like this. or rather, that next summer will offer a different sort of adventure than this one is serving up.
and oh, the adventures this summer have been many. and as random as they have been plenty. which is a good thing. who wants order in life anyway? much better to greet each new day with willing enthusiasm, ready to have the conversations, meet the people, do the things, be the person you never expected to when you woke up, right? order be damned! ok, so i'm sure there's room for it somewhere. but on occasion, you have to give into the fact that you don't always know what's best for your own narrative. some larger force guides the novel along, and i accept the novelty of that.
how else can i explain the series of events that have left me bemused/amused/confused? my carefully laid out chapters just got all screwed up - like someone carefully removed the manuscript from my nightstand while i slept, took it outside, and joyfully scattered its sheets in the town square, the fountain and the river beyond it. and when i awoke, it was there, sure, but the tone was slightly changed, and there were new footnotes, new characters and plot developments. which can only lead me to believe that the ending might not be what i think it is. or, possibly that it will take a few more chapters to get where i always thought i'd be going.
talk about a page turner.
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