Sunday, March 08, 2009

another sunday.
and this one is particularly sleepy. i guess that's what working till after midnight all week will do to your weekend. it's like there's gauze wrapped round my mind, casting everything in a hazy dazy glow of stupid.

of note, two things:

came across a pair of pants lying on a sidewalk in park slope last night. there they were, legs splayed out like, well, like legs. how someone came to lose such a pair, i can hardly imagine. maybe it was a hipster molting out of those, emerging fresh and beautiful, in skinny jeans.

march is already marching ahead into spring. which is good news in a year of bad news - at least the change of seasons is a predictable joy in a world of crummy headlines and bailout deadlines. we watched the clocks move from 2 am to 3 am and suddenly the evening felt a lot more over than it had the minute before.

i'm sure we'll be thankful for the light soon, though.

after all, it's what makes the future bright.


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