always compelled to write on le sunday. le sunday sunday cruddy sunday. of course, today's a day of happy cheer - of bunnies & chicks & baskets, of people stopping to smell the roses. easter is a time for renewal, right? so does that mean we take old problems and thoughts and troubles and renew them like books at the local library? i mean, it's hard to get enough of something so bad it's good.
no, i guess renewal in this case is more like making things right by making things new. or renewing a sense of purpose in the big bad world, or the little lovely world, as the case may be. so, if i were to make a purposeful list of purposes - purposes as smart as porpoises -- what would be on it?
i want to write. to write more than headlines. to write to my own deadlines. i want these pages to be mine.
i want to immerse myself in that happy wistful feeling that's straight out of a bruce springsteen song. lately it's been sloshing around my ankles like a determined puddle, and soon it might just slap slap my kneecaps.
i want to stretch the weekend out further than the waistline of my pantalons.
and i want to make good on all the things that i know i should. on the promises i've made to myself, and keep breaking like the glass menagerie. over and over.
so huey lewis and the renews kicking it old school over here. i guess i should make like that easter bunny and hop to it.
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