want to be

loose lips sink ships
loose lips sink ships
you know, there really isn't enough nonsense in the world. i like to think that by adding bits and pieces tonight, that i am somehow helping the cause. i mean, it's only 6:29, why should i actually do any of the things on my to-do list?
what a depressing thing To-do lists are anyway. The one i have right now (and i have made about 5 today - i even make to-do lists of what to put on my to-do lists, only to forget about them later, leaving scattered and forgotten lonely little lists in my wake). anyhow, the to-do list i have at the moment is a thrill a minute, and i shall paraphrase four of the items on it for you.
1. write many silly lines about a part of the world that i have not an inkling of a clue about. the south pacific. the "far-flung" islands, as this old tahitian cookbook i have for inspiration is calling them. i like the idea of being "far-flung". it reminds me more of a game of horseshoes in the backgarden than geographical location of islands -- but hey. so i weave words about enchanted evenings and torchlight luaus that i've never seen. just call me visionary. or a bullshitter.
2. write copy to accompany corporate awards to be given out to large phone company employees. large meaning the company is large, not that the awards are only given to fattie fats. this is your typical inspirational gobbledy gook -- "when you shine, others will shine too", "to excel is to be the best you can be" and so forth. just call me a guru. or a fool.
3. write clever headlines to be on corporate cards for large airline. have written down "flights that won't cost you an arm & a leg-room", chuckled, then realized that it made very little sense, but loved it anyway. just call me a genius. or a dumbass.
4. name an online quiz for gigantic internet provider. happy-friendly super-duper-almost-strangely nice clients have input on this one, so am going to give them some feeling of creative "power" and pretend that they're helping me write this one. just call me a martyr. or a whorporate worker.
so rock out with your schlock out. and let me get to my to do and don't want to do and probably won't do but of course, have to do, so will do list.
want to be

loose lips sink ships
loose lips sink ships
you know, there really isn't enough nonsense in the world. i like to think that by adding bits and pieces tonight, that i am somehow helping the cause. i mean, it's only 6:29, why should i actually do any of the things on my to-do list?
what a depressing thing To-do lists are anyway. The one i have right now (and i have made about 5 today - i even make to-do lists of what to put on my to-do lists, only to forget about them later, leaving scattered and forgotten lonely little lists in my wake). anyhow, the to-do list i have at the moment is a thrill a minute, and i shall paraphrase four of the items on it for you.
1. write many silly lines about a part of the world that i have not an inkling of a clue about. the south pacific. the "far-flung" islands, as this old tahitian cookbook i have for inspiration is calling them. i like the idea of being "far-flung". it reminds me more of a game of horseshoes in the backgarden than geographical location of islands -- but hey. so i weave words about enchanted evenings and torchlight luaus that i've never seen. just call me visionary. or a bullshitter.
2. write copy to accompany corporate awards to be given out to large phone company employees. large meaning the company is large, not that the awards are only given to fattie fats. this is your typical inspirational gobbledy gook -- "when you shine, others will shine too", "to excel is to be the best you can be" and so forth. just call me a guru. or a fool.
3. write clever headlines to be on corporate cards for large airline. have written down "flights that won't cost you an arm & a leg-room", chuckled, then realized that it made very little sense, but loved it anyway. just call me a genius. or a dumbass.
4. name an online quiz for gigantic internet provider. happy-friendly super-duper-almost-strangely nice clients have input on this one, so am going to give them some feeling of creative "power" and pretend that they're helping me write this one. just call me a martyr. or a whorporate worker.
so rock out with your schlock out. and let me get to my to do and don't want to do and probably won't do but of course, have to do, so will do list.
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