back to life, back to reality.

i believe soul II soul once crooned that over early 90's tinny beats and blips. and it was a very accurate lyrical throwdown - especially when applied to the post-vacation drip of, well, the time post vacation. sitting here back at the office, and it's a comfortable return, but also one that is accomapnied by a certain hazy lackadaisical phase.
everyone is moving around the office with a shared sense of autumn determination. i suppose the fact that many are physically moving not just their bodies, but also their entire offices from one space to another has something to do with it. somewhat thankfully, i am staying put in my little office, which i have yet to leave in the 2 lovely years i've been here. which is a fairly incredible feat in a place that moves people around like a checkers game on speed.
anyhow, here i am sitting still after a week of go go go.
spent a few days wandering around williamsburg and beyond - eating at little under-bridge diners, sipping pints and feeling impossibly un-chic in a string of impossibly chic boutiques. trudged back and forth over the bridge a few times, gazing down at the murky skyline and wondering how a city can be so very big and full of possibility, then retreated to little nooks and cranny hideaways in hipster hoods. also played a good deal of Wii bowling and tennis, or as we liked to refer to it, "morning exercise".
next up was a long weekend holed up in a divey delight of a hotel at broome & bowery. exposed brick, hardwood, and an unexplained gilt mirror duct taped to the floor in the hallway - maybe so we could check out our legs every time we walked by. which we did. the days following were filled with giggling, gaggling and haggling. alright, i sacrificed truth there for a killer rhyme sequence - but we did do much laughing and shopping. and, of course, moving in a herd of randoms. i suppose it's appropriate that in a city made up of hundreds of thousands of assorted strangers and foreigners, we would roll through labor day weekend with a crew as motley as you can get (though not in a vince neil kind of way).
so good times were had by this ramshackle band of merrymakers - dancing on ludlow, bloody mary fused brunches, lovely italian dinners at hipster meccas, much graffiti tourism, culture soaking, a bar called sweet & vicious that was sweet but vicious in that it didn't serve any food at a crucial moment in nighttime hunger, bad late night mexican joints where beautiful guacamole was paired with movie theater nacho cheese, meeting up with new buddies at various dirty bars, many, many photo shoots, and of course, the defining moment: getting doused in pepsi by a cracked out chick in a park near chinatown, thus ruining the one blowout i have ever paid for without getting my hair cut. which was horrifying, yet absolutely one of the funnier moments of my life.
but on that note, what is it they say again? new york is a city of tradeoffs. and i must say, i agree.
it's dirty but beautiful.
it's cruel but kind.
it's lonely yet filled with people.
it makes me talkie in cliches and yet still cooler.
must shut up now.

i believe soul II soul once crooned that over early 90's tinny beats and blips. and it was a very accurate lyrical throwdown - especially when applied to the post-vacation drip of, well, the time post vacation. sitting here back at the office, and it's a comfortable return, but also one that is accomapnied by a certain hazy lackadaisical phase.
everyone is moving around the office with a shared sense of autumn determination. i suppose the fact that many are physically moving not just their bodies, but also their entire offices from one space to another has something to do with it. somewhat thankfully, i am staying put in my little office, which i have yet to leave in the 2 lovely years i've been here. which is a fairly incredible feat in a place that moves people around like a checkers game on speed.
anyhow, here i am sitting still after a week of go go go.
spent a few days wandering around williamsburg and beyond - eating at little under-bridge diners, sipping pints and feeling impossibly un-chic in a string of impossibly chic boutiques. trudged back and forth over the bridge a few times, gazing down at the murky skyline and wondering how a city can be so very big and full of possibility, then retreated to little nooks and cranny hideaways in hipster hoods. also played a good deal of Wii bowling and tennis, or as we liked to refer to it, "morning exercise".
next up was a long weekend holed up in a divey delight of a hotel at broome & bowery. exposed brick, hardwood, and an unexplained gilt mirror duct taped to the floor in the hallway - maybe so we could check out our legs every time we walked by. which we did. the days following were filled with giggling, gaggling and haggling. alright, i sacrificed truth there for a killer rhyme sequence - but we did do much laughing and shopping. and, of course, moving in a herd of randoms. i suppose it's appropriate that in a city made up of hundreds of thousands of assorted strangers and foreigners, we would roll through labor day weekend with a crew as motley as you can get (though not in a vince neil kind of way).
so good times were had by this ramshackle band of merrymakers - dancing on ludlow, bloody mary fused brunches, lovely italian dinners at hipster meccas, much graffiti tourism, culture soaking, a bar called sweet & vicious that was sweet but vicious in that it didn't serve any food at a crucial moment in nighttime hunger, bad late night mexican joints where beautiful guacamole was paired with movie theater nacho cheese, meeting up with new buddies at various dirty bars, many, many photo shoots, and of course, the defining moment: getting doused in pepsi by a cracked out chick in a park near chinatown, thus ruining the one blowout i have ever paid for without getting my hair cut. which was horrifying, yet absolutely one of the funnier moments of my life.
but on that note, what is it they say again? new york is a city of tradeoffs. and i must say, i agree.
it's dirty but beautiful.
it's cruel but kind.
it's lonely yet filled with people.
it makes me talkie in cliches and yet still cooler.
must shut up now.
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