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it's a sunny spectacular of a day and i'm about to go away.
yes, away from here, from the things and people i call home. of course, only for a week, but that span of time seems to stretch rather far into my imagination at the moment. off to the very metropolis i seem to heavily crush on, if crushes on big masses of brick and concrete, on streets and sidewalks, on alleys and alleycats, are possible. and oh, but i think they are.
so it's just going to be me and the big city. we'll go on dates, have fun, share moments. and in all my wandering, i'll be wondering about, well, everything. what is it about strolling solo through a foreign place that makes you get all reflective and introspective? it's like getting to know the unknown also forces you to get to know the known - the known being your mind, your feelings, your neurotic jackass self.
three days in brooklyn, three days in manhattan, six days of solitude. alright, that's a massively self-important statement. as well as an exaggeration. after all, i do have people to see, friends to meet, social situations to situate myself in. but there will be much daytime dilly dallying as well - gazing slack-jawed at spectacles, meandering through museums, snapping amateurish photographs..all the things that make time alone in a city full of things delightful.
and hopefully all the things that'll make me more insightful.

it's a sunny spectacular of a day and i'm about to go away.
yes, away from here, from the things and people i call home. of course, only for a week, but that span of time seems to stretch rather far into my imagination at the moment. off to the very metropolis i seem to heavily crush on, if crushes on big masses of brick and concrete, on streets and sidewalks, on alleys and alleycats, are possible. and oh, but i think they are.
so it's just going to be me and the big city. we'll go on dates, have fun, share moments. and in all my wandering, i'll be wondering about, well, everything. what is it about strolling solo through a foreign place that makes you get all reflective and introspective? it's like getting to know the unknown also forces you to get to know the known - the known being your mind, your feelings, your neurotic jackass self.
three days in brooklyn, three days in manhattan, six days of solitude. alright, that's a massively self-important statement. as well as an exaggeration. after all, i do have people to see, friends to meet, social situations to situate myself in. but there will be much daytime dilly dallying as well - gazing slack-jawed at spectacles, meandering through museums, snapping amateurish photographs..all the things that make time alone in a city full of things delightful.
and hopefully all the things that'll make me more insightful.
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