hangover the moon.

truly there is nothing more horrifying than the feeling that grabs you with its death claws the morning after. alright, so there are most definitely many, many more horrifying things in the world - but on days where the haze descends upon you like a giant cobweb, sticking to your clothes, your hair, your tongue - on days where your mind floats in the grey area between comatose and stupid - well, those are the days you feel justified in melodramatic wailings.
and so a thursday night has knocked my friday night out of the running. and friday isn't really impressed with such brusque dismissal. but gone is the stamina that used to let me flit from evening to evening, party plan in hand, ready to to rock and/or roll through every weekend. it's possible that it disappeared the moment i started using uncool phrases such as "rock and/or roll". or, when my body casually mentioned to me that i would be the death of it. i being my over-ambitious mind.
no matter. it happened and now things seem much less frenetic. or possibly less pathetic?
yes, i think that's a fair statement. optimism is the new everything. i mean, how can it not be when the pint glass is always half full?
at any rate, things are on the upswing. and though january can't come soon enough, the months in between are guaranteed to be almost too-interesting, like an overstuffed bookcase of hilarious anecdotes and cringe-inducing debriefs. packing in every single thing i love about everything and place i love.
because time is passing, oh but it is. which means it's time to stop checking my watch and just enjoy it.

truly there is nothing more horrifying than the feeling that grabs you with its death claws the morning after. alright, so there are most definitely many, many more horrifying things in the world - but on days where the haze descends upon you like a giant cobweb, sticking to your clothes, your hair, your tongue - on days where your mind floats in the grey area between comatose and stupid - well, those are the days you feel justified in melodramatic wailings.
and so a thursday night has knocked my friday night out of the running. and friday isn't really impressed with such brusque dismissal. but gone is the stamina that used to let me flit from evening to evening, party plan in hand, ready to to rock and/or roll through every weekend. it's possible that it disappeared the moment i started using uncool phrases such as "rock and/or roll". or, when my body casually mentioned to me that i would be the death of it. i being my over-ambitious mind.
no matter. it happened and now things seem much less frenetic. or possibly less pathetic?
yes, i think that's a fair statement. optimism is the new everything. i mean, how can it not be when the pint glass is always half full?
at any rate, things are on the upswing. and though january can't come soon enough, the months in between are guaranteed to be almost too-interesting, like an overstuffed bookcase of hilarious anecdotes and cringe-inducing debriefs. packing in every single thing i love about everything and place i love.
because time is passing, oh but it is. which means it's time to stop checking my watch and just enjoy it.
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