wow. i am not really sure what to write today, and as most who know me can attest, when i am speechless, it is a strange strange thing. of course, not knowing what to type really doesn't mean you're speechless, does it. more like blank-minded, shooting blanks, blank slated. actually my life is a whole lot like a fill in the blanks right now - waiting for things to naturally fill up the parts that are missing.
and what is missing? obviously not brilliance. ok, more like obviously not stupid jokes. but seriously - when do you ever really figure out the a-z of what's missing from your seemingly full life? is it the moment you wake up alone and realize you want to be with someone? the moment you wake up with someone and realize you want to be alone? is it the moment you finally see that what you thought was a spontaneous adventure is actually a tedious routine? or is just when you finally feel that it's time for little changes - baby steps into fulfillment?
i feel like i'll always be a lover of tossing around cliches & ponderings like this - without really ever doing something about them. what's that called anyway - is it lethargy? laziness? am i destined to be passive & neutral? a switzerland, if you will?
this meander is littered with question marks. which marks me as a meanderer full of questions.
which solves nothing, really. but doesn't it look delightful?
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