oh boy oh boy oh joy oh joy.

it's a hazy dazy delight of an evening. time keeps on ticking into the future. yes, i just quoted some sort of garish steve miller tune. but you know what, on saturdays such as these, i am allowed some sort of unpoetic license.
see, i have some exciting news. or rather, i received some exciting news this week, and am attempting to funnel it through my usual nonchalant prose. it's all coming out rather clunky, but for once, i really don't mind.
last year i managed to win this little sadvertising competition that sent you over to cannes for a week. and, somehow, oh somehow, i've managed to weasel my way into winning again. found out on a typical wednesday, right as i was going into an endless conference call. and so, i had to sit there feigning something like interest while my hands shook and my heart raced like a roided up sprinter. sun, sand and staring off into the horizon, here i come. oh, and schmooze, and booze, and croque monsieurs at 5 am, and general good times.
yes, i have somehow managed to officially achieve lucky ducky ducky bastard status once again. oh, not in everything, of course - my melodramatic life musings will tell you that -- but in the case of summer plans, i must say, i've been rather charmed.
i count down to adventure.

it's a hazy dazy delight of an evening. time keeps on ticking into the future. yes, i just quoted some sort of garish steve miller tune. but you know what, on saturdays such as these, i am allowed some sort of unpoetic license.
see, i have some exciting news. or rather, i received some exciting news this week, and am attempting to funnel it through my usual nonchalant prose. it's all coming out rather clunky, but for once, i really don't mind.
last year i managed to win this little sadvertising competition that sent you over to cannes for a week. and, somehow, oh somehow, i've managed to weasel my way into winning again. found out on a typical wednesday, right as i was going into an endless conference call. and so, i had to sit there feigning something like interest while my hands shook and my heart raced like a roided up sprinter. sun, sand and staring off into the horizon, here i come. oh, and schmooze, and booze, and croque monsieurs at 5 am, and general good times.
yes, i have somehow managed to officially achieve lucky ducky ducky bastard status once again. oh, not in everything, of course - my melodramatic life musings will tell you that -- but in the case of summer plans, i must say, i've been rather charmed.
i count down to adventure.
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