time time time a ticking away.
funny how it goes, and goes - and then all of a sudden, you realize something you think of as recent has slipped into the past - and is a month, a year, a decade ago. i was just discussing a christmas party with a friend, that felt like yesterday - until the date stopped us in our reminiscing tracks - it's december tomorrow. which means that another year has gone by.
but what really hit this home came about after a rainy day of meandering through the internet. after hours and hours of checking all my favorite sites and blogs and online haunts, i googled myself. c'mon, you know you've done it too. anyhow, i stumbled upon something that made me speechless at the passing of time, and how time heals all wounds, or at least, the memories of them:

i wrote that when i was 20. so almost 10 years ago now. that odd, surreal little year of my life i had cancer. i had completely forgotten that i ever wrote this. reading it over made me almost in awe of my former self. and note the heavy emphasis on 'former' - i am not that strong a person now, believe me.
illness and suffering have a way of changing a person, giving them a grace that is unmatched. but time, oh time has a way of making you forget. forget the things you wrote and the way you felt - and seeing this just made me realize that in 10 years i have gotten better, but worse for taking things, life, everything, for granted. so at the tail end of this thanksgiving weekend, i see, truly, what i have to be thankful for.
funny how it goes, and goes - and then all of a sudden, you realize something you think of as recent has slipped into the past - and is a month, a year, a decade ago. i was just discussing a christmas party with a friend, that felt like yesterday - until the date stopped us in our reminiscing tracks - it's december tomorrow. which means that another year has gone by.
but what really hit this home came about after a rainy day of meandering through the internet. after hours and hours of checking all my favorite sites and blogs and online haunts, i googled myself. c'mon, you know you've done it too. anyhow, i stumbled upon something that made me speechless at the passing of time, and how time heals all wounds, or at least, the memories of them:

i wrote that when i was 20. so almost 10 years ago now. that odd, surreal little year of my life i had cancer. i had completely forgotten that i ever wrote this. reading it over made me almost in awe of my former self. and note the heavy emphasis on 'former' - i am not that strong a person now, believe me.
illness and suffering have a way of changing a person, giving them a grace that is unmatched. but time, oh time has a way of making you forget. forget the things you wrote and the way you felt - and seeing this just made me realize that in 10 years i have gotten better, but worse for taking things, life, everything, for granted. so at the tail end of this thanksgiving weekend, i see, truly, what i have to be thankful for.
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